DEVIREDDY MARUTHI CHIT FUNDS PVT.LTD was incorporated under the Companies act 1956. Our Company started in August 3rd in 2012. ROC NO.U65992AP2012PTC083877. We successfully completed five years till now. We started with only 25 members for 1, 00,000/- chit. We are very happy to say that Our Business Turnover is about 27 crores and in this the Auction Turnover is about 45 lakhs and we have about 1200 Customers in our company and in this the satisfied customers are about 950 till now.


The person who invest in chits in a company he can get money in his need time. The Banks also give money like loans but the interest rate will be different from chit funds companies. A person needs money for his children education, marriages, or any other problems he can achieve it as soon as he if he think. Chit fund companies are here to help the general people who live their own life. If a person had a chit he can live a secure life.


Chit value is 1, 00,000/- in this chit there are 40 members and each member should pay an EMI of Rs.2500/- in this the Max.Bid will be 35000/- and Prized amount will be 65000/- .The prized customer have paid to 40 months approximately amount Rs.82000/-.Non prized customer have paid to total 40 months approximately 82000/ dividend amount Rs.18000/-


In 1, 00,000/- chit the Max.Bid is 35000/- in this the Foremen Commission is 5000/- and the remaining 30,000/- is divided across 40 members of the group and each member will receive Rs.750/- as dividend each month.

Registered Chit Fund Companies are primarily regulated by the Central Chit Fund Act 2002 and also has to comply with prescribed rules and regulations formulated by the respective State Governments.

As per the existing law, the foremen of the chit fund company have to deposit 100% of the chit value with the Registrar of Chits prior to the commencement of the chit group. All accounts have to be audited by a qualified Chartered Accountant. Every group in our company followed this rules and regulations.

Chit fund Business is a high risk business at low margins once you invest in any chit funds you should see the reliable track record of the company. We have a lot of goodwill in the markets in the past 5 years from which we started our company. We have fulfilled the customers obligations and served them honestly and trustworthy in past few years. We are very pleasure to our employees who helped to stand our company to grow.